IGNIS Community

Updated OFAC Sanctions (Aug 2023)


Renewed OFAC License 2023

With respect to the UN sanctions, we submitted an application to the UN Sanctions Exemption Committee for an exemption to ship medical equipment and other related items for the Pyongyang Spine Rehabilitation Center (PYSRC) into North Korea. This application to ship medical equipment has been granted on August 24, 2023.

IGNIS Community have actively pursued interpretive guidance and counsel to adhere to the U.S. government as well as International laws and regulations. See our compliance page to learn more how IGNIS best effort to be transparent in all of our activities.


Filipino Doctors Arrive in Pyongyang

Singing MOU between Philippine National Medical School & Pyongyang Medical University.

Singing MOU between Philippine National Medical School & Pyongyang Medical University.

Last Wednesday, September 18, 2019, Dr. Marie (former chairman of Philippine Pediatric Behavioral and Developmental Disability Association) and two other Filipino doctors arrived in Pyongyang, DPRK for a series of lectures and training in Developmental and Behavioral Disabilities.

Dr. Marie is providing expert training in screening and treatment for children with developmental disabilities such as autism, cerebral palsy, and ADHD. The other two doctors include an Orthopedic Surgeon and a Pediatrician. Both will add to Dr. Marie’s training by providing a multi-disciplinary and holistic approach to treating pediatric patients and providing medical care for children with developmental disabilities.

This initiative started about four years ago when IGNIS Community took a delegation of four North Korean doctors to Manila, Philippines. It was the first exposure to a multi-disciplinary approach to treating children with developmental disabilities for the North Korean doctors. The medical system in Manila gave us a glimpse of what it could look like if North Korean children received early intervention and screening for developmental disabilities, were referred to appropriate specialists, were treated with timely medical care, and received social services to help them integrate into society.

But most importantly, an MOU was signed between the Pyongyang Medical School and the Philippine National Medical School of Manila at this trip. This opened up the opportunity for North Korean doctors to come to the Philippines for further study and professional development in Pediatric specialties, Rehabilitation Medicine, and even Prosthetics and Orthotics.

This partnership has led to this day, when three Filipino doctors are able to visit Pyongyang and provide life-saving medical training for North Korean doctors. This training could potentially save the lives of thousands of children with cerebral palsy, autism, and other developmental disabilities in the DPRK - transforming communities for a better place.


IGNIS received UN Sanctions Exemption!

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With respect to the UN sanctions, we submitted an application to the UN Sanctions Exemption Committee for an exemption to ship medical equipment and other related items for the Pyongyang Spine Rehabilitation Center (PYSRC) into North Korea. This application to ship medical equipment has been granted on September 5th 2019.

IGNIS Community have actively pursued interpretive guidance and counsel to adhere to the U.S. government as well as International laws and regulations. See our compliance page to learn more how IGNIS best effort to be transparent in all of our activities.