shoe donation project
image: North Korean students receiving Winter boots
IGNIS Community’s Shoe Donation project (Share the Warmth) started in 2009 with the purpose of sharing a “warm” gift to the children in North Korea. Winter boots are a necessity as temperatures during the winter season can reach as cold as -30° Celsius (-22° Fahrenheit).
But thanks to the faithful support from donors like you, IGNIS can continually provide winter boots to warm the little feet of children in North Korea.
how do we do it?
Every year we collect donations through SHARE THE WARMTH fundraising.
We then purchase the winter boots which are sent to kindergartens, daycare centers, or primary schools according to the needs and requests made by the Korean Education Foundation (KEF), a North Korean NGO located in Pyongyang.
*The Shoe Donation Process
how do we verify the delivery?
Each year IGNIS Community sends out a verification team to visit the orphanages with our field team and confirm the delivery of the winter boots to be directed to the correct places. We were able to meet many children and teachers during these trips and have built trust to learn from each other.
* data is up-to-date for 2019 delivery, we will update 2020 delivery in 2021.
**Due to the border closures of North Korea, the project has unforunately paused. However, IGNIS plans to deliver the shoes as soon as the borders open and will provide the verification immediately to all donors.
how & when can i donate?
You can donate all year long! But it’s best to do it before August so we would have time to acquire and deliver the winter boots.
With just $15 you can provide a child with a winter boot!