Sharing Goes On is a awareness campaign to continually remind ourselves of the little feet that need warmth this winter!
Read about a special project we have been working on due to the needs during this pandemic
Now is the time to act. Join the advocacy campaign by contacting your state representatives, and let them know that you support H.R.1504- Enhancing Humanitarian Assistance Act!
The work we do as IGNIS Community comes with a need to understand the history behind North and South Korea. The question you may have is “Why North Korea?”. A better understanding of history means a desire to cultivate hope for the future. Everything we do is to help bring brighter futures into lives, communities and nations.
CNN announced on April 15th that President Joe Biden formally decided to end America’s longest-standing war. However, there is a war that has been going on longer than the 20-year fight in the Middle East.
A new bill called “Enhancing North Korea Humanitarian Assistance Act” is introduced and is essential to preserve humanitarian work in the DPRK.
Ignis Community continues to receive support from all around the world for the children of North Korea amid the pandemic.
Amidst current challenges, we are thankful that we are able to move forward sending life saving shipment to PYSRC.
North Korea closes its border due to COVID-19, resulting with challenges in humanitarian work.
Last week our team of medical professionals went to visit the PYSRC site in Pyongyang, DPRK.
Dr. Stephen Yoon, IGNIS Founder & International Director, was interviewed by Plough Quarterly.
Sojourners Magazine published an article written by Joy Yoon in their September/October 2018 issue.
Joy Yoon shares her experience living on the ground inside North Korea during her interview with the Mennonite Central Committee (MCC).