
There is a lot to get excited about with the coming of fall and winter, the crisp air and the familiar scent of the holidays, but the thing that we are most excited about is our annual winter snow boots campaign! We launched Project New Sole last winter exceeding our goal and raising over $10,000 and distributed more than 1,000 pairs of winter snow boots to the kids in our preschools and kindergartens - that means more than 1,000 little pairs of feet were kept warm and more than 1,000 young lives were able to survive another harsh winter. Just $10 provides a child with a pair of high-quality winter snow boots.


This year, we are doing it again - except with a fresh face and a bigger goal! “Share The Warmth” campaign 2015 will launch on November 16th and run through January 16th. Because of the incredible amount of support and love we received and the success in delivering hundreds of pairs of snow boots last year, we have goaled ourselves to raise $10,000 and distribute 1,000 pairs of snow boots to the kids in our preschools and kindergartens in North Korea - we have the ability to impact more than 1,000 young lives!

Unlike most other distribution campaigns, we have the ability to verify that each pair of snow boots gets properly delivered to each child. We conduct yearly verification trips to visit each location during the winter - we can see with our own eyes the joy in each face and the snow boots on each pair of feet.

Partner with us this holiday season and be a part of something good - change lives and save lives!