Last week our team of medical professionals went to visit our site in Pyongyang, DPRK. It was a time of excitement as for some of our members this is their first time visiting after the sanction in 2017 - and for some others, it was their FIRST TIME EVER visiting DPRK! Amidst the sanction that’s going on, our team is privileged to be granted a special visa permit for our humanitarian work in DPRK.
Before visiting, IGNIS faced many various difficulties (sanctions, communications, etc.) that limited our progress in completing the PYSRC building. But as our team off-site patiently wait and do what we can outside DPRK, our friends on-site were also able to push through and lead the completion of the PYSRC.

The building is now complete externally and internally; All it needs is for the medical & therapy furniture, equipments and toys to fill the rooms. And since the building are semi-ready (without the equipments), we are already able to treat patients in the third floor of PYSRC. It is heartwarming that the vision of IGNIS and many others that walk with us are coming to fruition! All of this is possible through many help and support from our friends of IGNIS Community.
Aside the trip to visit the newly built PYSRC, our medical team was also able to see the patients after a long time. The team was consist of people from different nationalities, all coming to the purpose of sharing love with the children in North Korea that needs our help and attention.

Coming back from this trip, we were again humbled by the opportunity that we have working not only with the patients and their families, but also with our friends from Pyongyang Medical University who share the same heart to help these children with cerebral palsy and developmental disabilities.
We hope this is just the start of many opportunities in making an impact to the children in DPRK as we keep pushing in perseverance with anticipation.
To learn more about our PYSRC project, please visit
To support our work and provide PYSRC with medical & therapy equipments, please give at