Share the Warmth 2021 #sharinggoeson
Last month, we launched a small campaign called “Sharing Goes On” for Share the Warmth 2021. We had a couple people share their posts. Some people may wonder, “what does our shoes have to do with the NK kids?”. Here are our thoughts:
Awareness: We want to spread awareness that there are children around the world that are in need. Education is the key and foundation in spreading awareness.
To Remember: The pandemic has brought everything to a stop and we are still patiently waiting for the shoes to be delivered. We have not lost hope and have been hearing some good news. Share the Warmth 2020 was such a success and we are so grateful for that time. However, Share the Warmth 2021, we decided to pause the project and instead run this awareness campaign. We are not asking for anything but really would like our donors/sponsors/friends and community to join together in simply looking at their shoes. We want to continually remind ourselves of the little feet that would still need warmth this winter.
Encouragement: Many of us may seem discouraged about the chaos happening in our world today. Issues from the economy, supply chains, inflation and so much more. Ignis Community has not lost heart and we hope our donors/supporters have not either. We are always encouraged and hopeful. There are things still happening within Ignis Community. If you’d like to learn more, please email us at
Here are some posts of our donors/supporters sharing their shoes from all around the world!
#Sharinggoeson is still going on! If you’d like to participate, tag 3 friends and Ignis Community!